Thursday, September 13, 2012

Hands on with Google’s YouTube iPhone app

Earlier this week, Google apparent a new, standalone YouTube app for the iPhone and iPod touch. The barrage comes advanced of Apple’s absolution of iOS 6 on September 19, which will no best address with a congenital YouTube app.

Like the Gmail and Facebook apps, YouTube uses a aftereffect aeronautics approach: You bash from larboard to appropriate to advance the app’s capital agreeable over and betrayal the sidebar.

From there, you can log in to your annual or admission a array of added options, including predefined categories that YouTube provides, such as Music, Sports, Gaming, Education and more. You’ll aswell see a annual of your approach subscriptions; a button lets you add added channels, which (if you’re logged in) YouTube will appropriately advance to you based on your examination history. Borer on any class or approach will yield you to a advertisement of videos associated with that topic.

By default, the new YouTube app presents a scrolling annual of recommended videos. If you’re logged in, they’re recommended based on your subscriptions, brand and history on YouTube. Logged in users can aswell accept (in the Settings section) to absolute that home augment to alone appearance new videos from your subscriptions.

Tap on a video; its page will amount and the video therein starts arena automatically. In annual mode, the video is anchored on a awning with added advice about it, including its title, uploader (to whose augment you can subscribe, if you choose) and description. You’ll aswell see options for examination accompanying videos and annual comments absorbed to the video (or abacus your own).

Rotate the buzz to mural mode, and the video automatically goes full-screen on your device. If you tap on the video in landscape, you betrayal options to amount it (thumbs up or down), allotment it, or add it to your YouTube Watch Later, Favorites, or Playlist lists; you can aswell banderole it for analysis if it contains abhorrent content. You can aswell accredit bankrupt captioning on videos (where available), and there’s abutment for AirPlay congenital in as well. Of course, ablution through the timeline is aswell accurate if you wish to jump about in the video, but back the app doesn’t use Apple’s congenital video player, you don’t get the advantage of capricious ablution speeds as you do in, say, the Videos app.

Unsurprisingly, one focus of the new YouTube app is search. You’ll acquisition a seek button at the top of appealing abundant every page: Upon borer it, you can blazon in seek agreement as usual, but Google’s aswell chip the articulation seek adequacy it aboriginal formed out in its Google Seek app. Tap the microphone to the appropriate of the argument acreage and allege your seek terms; the app will adapt them and anon yield you to a annual of after-effects that match.

In seek results, you can accept to appearance either alone videos or channels that bout what you’re searching for; for added refinement, tap the accessory figure on the appropriate ancillary and you can additionally accept to array by relevance, upload date, appearance count, or rating, as able-bodied as clarify after-effects by if they were uploaded, their continuance and whether or not they accept bankrupt captioning. By default, Google has activated abstinent Safe Seek filtering, but beneath Settings, you accept the advantage to either not clarify after-effects at all, or bang it up to austere filtering.

By annexation appropriate and borer on your annual name, you can appearance videos you’ve uploaded, playlists you’ve created and your history, favorites and Watch Later lists. There’s aswell a Purchases tab to clue any videos you’ve bought, but it doesn’t assume like you’ll be able to in fact acquirement any of YouTube’s commercially accessible agreeable from the iOS app itself. Likewise, while there’s a tab to appearance your uploads, there’s allegedly no way to in fact upload a video from the YouTube app itself.

That said, with the YouTube app now durably beneath Google’s ascendancy and no best angry to Apple OS updates, it’s accessible that we’ll see updates added frequently than we accept in the past.

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